More About Chiropractic & Our Processes

What Is Chiropractic?

What Is It?

Chiropractic is a natural non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical approach to health based on the fact that dysfunctional vertebral segments (Vertebral Subluxations) can change the way in which the powerful nervous system interacts with the body. This system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system in the human body…

What To Expect?

Our promise to you is that on your first visit to First Choice Chiropractic you will be dealt with in a timely and professional manner.  We follow world’s best practice with the latest research available employed to aid our clinical expertise and ensure we get to the underlying cause of your problems…

Getting Started

At First Choice Chiropractic, we start by precisely determining if, where, and why you are experiencing a chiropractic problem.

To help you get the most from your first visit we recommend looking at our NEW PATIENT APPOINTMENT to help get you started!

During our initial consultation we compile a health history review, a full chiropractic examination including orthopaedic, neurological and muscular testing.  If necessary x-ray views of the spine are taken also…

$49 New Patient Offer

First time visiting First Choice Chiropractic?
Take advantage of our $49 New Patient Offer today.