What To Expect?

Our promise to you is that on your first visit to First Choice Chiropractic you will be dealt with in a timely and professional manner.  We follow world’s best practice with the latest research available employed to aid our clinical expertise and ensure we get to the underlying cause of your problems.

Initial Consultation

Upon arrival you will be greeted by a friendly member of our team and made to feel welcome.

You will then be introduced to our highly skilled chiropractor who will go through a thorough history with you to learn more about your current condition and past traumas and work out how we can best meet your health concerns.


Once the chiropractor has gathered the necessary information regarding your issues our focus turns to performing various tests to assess the presence of Vertebral Subluxations (dysfunctional spinal segments) in your spine.

Our diagnostic tools include relevant neurological and orthopaedic examinations as well as a comprehensive postural analysis.

Your specific condition may also require us to take radiographs (x-rays) to better understand the nature of your spine and to rule out major health concerns, which will help us determine the best plan of action for you.

Report Of Findings

Once your initial consultation and radiographs have been taken your second visit (Report of Findings) will be scheduled in by one our friendly staff a few days following. During this report we will discuss with you the results of your examinations and explain exactly how they are relevant to you and your current health.

We will then recommend a structured care program designed for your unique health problem, or if necessary refer to another highly skilled practitioner.

Not all case are suitable for chiropractic care. If our chiropractors determine that yours is, we will then perform a specific chiropractic adjustment to help correct and stabilise spinal and nervous system function to help you on your way to better health.

$49 New Patient Offer

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Take advantage of our $49 New Patient Offer today.