Getting Started
At First Choice Chiropractic, we start with a thorough history and examination process to precisely determine your best steps going forward and whether or not Chiropractic care may be able to help you.
To help you get the most from your first visit we recommend booking in a NEW PATIENT APPOINTMENT to help get you started!
During our initial consultation we compile a thorough health history review, a full chiropractic examination including orthopaedic, neurological and muscular testing. If deemed necessary x-ray views of the spine may be taken.
We offer manual spinal adjustments, low force adjustment options, postural re-education, denneroll prescription, lifestyle advice, functional advice and active rehabilitative care.
Chiropractic care may be of benefit to people of all ages and stages of life.
Below briefly describes what you might expect when you get started with us.
1st Visit
The first visit to our clinic involves a detailed health history, chiropractic, neurological, orthopaedic and muscle examination. X-rays may also be taken. There may be an adjustment performed if deemed appropriate at this stage.
2nd Visit
During the second visit the chiropractor will discuss the results of your examinations and explain what they mean. We will show you locations of any nervous system interference, and then we will recommend the next best steps for you to take, which may include a care program designed for your unique health problem. At this stage, if appropriate we will then perform a specific chiropractic adjustment to encourage better function and begin the healing process.
Regular Visit
Future appointments may include chiropractic adjustments, health advice, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitation exercises or lifestyle advice. We conduct regular re-examinations of your spine to monitor your progression.