Brisbane Chiropractor Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Our clients pay by cash or use EFTPOS facilities, we also offer on the spot claiming for members of health funds.  We accept most major credit cards.

Chiropractic is a conservative and drug-free approach to health care.  Because of the way the spine is designed, vertebra can become restricted or subluxated and may change the function of the body.  These functional problems can occur from the birthing process, car accidents, sleeping habits, stress, poor diet, long periods of sitting, poor posture and many other everyday activities.

The chiropractors employed by First Choice Chiropractors are registered with every private health fund provider in Australia.  Contact your health care fund for exact coverage.

The chiropractic program is a fully accredited and internationally recognised five year full-time university course, which emphasises anatomy and physiology, neurology, diagnostic imaging, spinal adjusting techniques, rehabilitation and clinical subjects.

After a full examination of your spine our chiropractors locate any areas causing nerve interference.  Taking into account the results of this examination determines your prognosis and recovery.

Often people first visit their chiropractor after a long period of undetected spinal subluxations which have resulted in a build up of scar tissue around the spine, discs and nerves.  This scar tissue takes time to heal and repair and this may take months or years of spinal adjustments to re-strengthen the spine.

Generally chiropractic adjustments performed in our clinic by our skilled chiropractors do not hurt.  During the initial visits some discomfort may be experienced after treatment which soon resolves.  Being adjusted for the first time is similar to starting an exercise regime when you haven’t done it for ages, it is uncomfortable, but once you are in the routine the body adapts, nerve flow increases and the healing begins.

Anyone who values their health as a priority.

The frequency of the chiropractic adjustments depends initially on the results of your chiropractic examination.  The idea is not to be intensely reliant on your chiropractor, but obviously at the start we need to have closer together adjustments to retrain the muscles and ligaments and then gradually over time reduce the frequency of your adjustments.

$49 New Patient Offer

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Take advantage of our $49 New Patient Offer today.